Do you like my new hat? It's an Ushanka or Trapper Hat. Very popular at the moment. I was unsure at first, that's why this happened in my brain.It's partly true. The part where I'm sitting in the park in my awesome hat, minding my own bizzo, sipping a can of fizzy juice. That part happened. The other bit not so much. Well, it happened in so far as it happened in my brain. I'm no philosopher or psychologist but it still counts as an event, surely. Maybe someone can come back to me on that.It's still true though, in an Obi Wan Kenobi, fictional kind of way. But it tells of a bigger truth. Or something. I don't know, fill in the pompous bullshit yourself, you know the kind of thing.Anyway, I really like my hat and I'm glad the cold weather is continuing (like it ever stops - I live in Scotland) so I can keep wearing it. Also I can pretend it's a wee animal because it's all fuzzy.Tune in later this week to find out what happens. Or doesn't.
I think your bunnet is the business, but do they come in Burberry pattern? That would be awesome.