Monday 25 November 2013

Britain's (Comics Scene)'s Got Talent ... or something

So I entered this competition run by 2000AD, the UK's premier weekly comics anthology, to submit artwork for scrutiny by the editor. The winner gets to have his or her artwork grace the pages of said publication.
I tooled along to the Though Bubble Comics Convention in Leeds where the competition was being held.
I showed my artwork to the editor.
I did not win.
I did not even make the cut.
Given that this is my first attempt at anything like this I was not surprised but I was still a little crest-fallen. Especially since I had pulled an all-nighter the previous day to get the artwork finished, so I was a little spaced out.
The critique was firm and swift, much in the way of tearing off a sticking plaster, something for which I was grateful. I couldn't disagree with much of what he thought was either wrong or lacking and it ultimately had the effect of making me determined to keep trying and improve my skills. Gerry from the past may not have been so upbeat. Gerry from the present and, dare I say, Gerry from the future are going to work together to make serious improvements in technique and execution.
Anyway, without one single ado being furthered, here is what I produced. Flawed but, in its own way, beautiful.