Thursday, 4 September 2014


M'lady's big sister is a Buffy super-fan. She is a Spike hyper-fan. So, for her birthday, a few years back I made her this. She likes it quite a lot I'm glad to say.

Thursday, 15 May 2014

More From the Vaults - Birthday Card

Today is Milady's birthday so, to celebrate,
here is the very first birthday card I made for her.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

THE DISNEY-FYING OF FRIENDS – Beauty and the Beast

T'was John and Claire's 30th birthdays this week so, lovely people both joint and several as they are, I decided to draw them a joint birthday card. John isn't really a beast, in fact they are both beauties, but someone had to draw the short straw and I felt it would have been ingallant to portray them the other way round.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Scotland is Over a Barrel

Sure she is. Wanna fight about it?

A satirical cartoon, after Gillray.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

More from the Vaults

So remember a while back I said I was sad because there were pictures I had done years ago and they were corrupted and I couldn't post them? Yeah, it was a real bummer.
Anyway, I FOUND THEM!!!
All from about fourteen years ago. Amazing that I could do stuff back then.

This is my version of Ghost, a Dark Horse character.

The Three Wise Monkeys, done in Illustrator.