Monday, 28 February 2011

The ArtistGas Guide to the Human Brain: Part 1

The Mind-Bullet*
Nothing says, "I hate you." like a mind-bullet.

The BrainFish
Never mind all that "short term memory" bollocks, this is who's in charge of you forgetting why you went upstairs.
His job is to deliver thoughts. He drops them out his mouth when he breathes. Daftie.

The Stress Tentacle*
Don't suffer alone. Stress is a team-sport. Let 'em know how stressed you really are.

*Courtesy of the King and Queen of Monkey Island, respectively.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Artist Gas' Consumer Products for a Brighter Tomorrow

Chewable Whisky
Do not confuse this with whisky-flavour chews. This is important.

Pretty scary, pretty awesome. A bit too scary and awesome. So I shaved his arse.

The Ultimate Cellar Fly Trap
(with thanks to Bizzle at t'Wrens)
A glass of red wine with a lime wedge in it, covered in tinfoil with holes poked in it. And dog-faced spider snipers.
The Cellar Fly; for any publican these wee buggers are a pest. Always hanging around, getting up in customers' faces. No. No more. The tyranny of their yeast-based obsession must end.